Aetna Better Health of Maryland no es responsable del contenido, la precisión o las prácticas de privacidad de los sitios vinculados, ni de los productos o servicios que se describen en estos sitios. Si no tiene intenciones de salir de nuestro sitio, haga clic o pulse la “x” en la esquina superior derecha.
Aviso de privacidad
Aetna Better Health® of Maryland is required by law to keep your health information private. Please take a second to read the “Notice of privacy practices” below. It explains how we use your health information and the circumstances when we might give it out. También explica nuestras obligaciones y sus derechos.
Declaración de privacidad en Internet
We’re committed to protecting our members’ privacy. Our goal is to provide a safe, secure user experience. You can learn more about our commitment to your privacy by reading our "Web privacy statement."
Electronic privacy
We only use or disclose your protected health information (PHI) in accordance with state and federal law. PHI is any information that Aetna has about your health that can identify you. This information can be in any format. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy statements, you can reach us on our "Contact us" page.