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Health and wellness library

We’ve gathered a variety of articles to help you manage your health. You’ll find articles to help guide you through the confusing parts of health care and to help you make healthier life choices. There are tips for new and expecting parents. And you’ll learn more about making smart choices when dealing with tough health situations.*

Take control of your health

We’ll help you manage your health. Our health and wellness library is full of tips to keep you healthy. And to teach you how to get the most out of your Aetna Better Health® of Maryland plan.

We've grouped our library articles into four sections for quick access:

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Krames Online


With this health resource, you’ll have access to more than 4,000 topics relating to health and medication, including: 


  • Diseases and conditions

  • Diagnoses and treatments 

  • Procedures 

  • Over-the-counter products 

  • Prescriptions 

  • Nutraceuticals 


This is the National Institutes of Health's website for patients and their families and friends. Lo produce la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (National Library of Medicine). Usted obtendrá la información sobre salud que necesita en el idioma que comprende. This service is reliable, up-to-date — and free. You can use it for:

  • Los últimos tratamientos

  • Información sobre un medicamento o suplemento

  • Los significados de términos que no comprenda

  • Ilustraciones o videos médicos útiles

  • Enlaces a las últimas investigaciones médicas sobre el tema de su interés

  • Information about clinical trials in your area for a certain disease or condition

Additional Resources


If you want more information about a health resources available to you, please contact your Prevention and Wellness Coordinator at or Member Services at 1-866-827-2710 (TTY: 711).


*Health information found on this website is general in nature. It is not a substitute for professional health care. No está destinada a reemplazar los consejos de los profesionales de atención médica. Si tiene necesidades específicas de atención médica o desea obtener información de salud completa, consulte con un médico u otro proveedor de atención médica.

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