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What is Medicaid?
What is Medicaid?
It’s a government program that provides free health care for millions of Americans. In Maryland, it’s called Maryland HealthChoice. People who qualify are covered for many benefits and services, including:
Preventive care
Servicios de la vista
Manejo de enfermedades
Behavioral health services
Aetna Better Health® is a managed care organization (MCO) taking part in HealthChoice. An MCO is the health plan that provides your benefits. MCOs provide health coverage and standard benefits. See what makes us different.
Who does Medicaid cover?
Who does Medicaid cover?
Aetna Better Health® of Maryland offers Medicaid coverage statewide.
You may fit into one or more of these groups to qualify:
Considered low income
Mujeres embarazadas
Blind or disabled or have a spouse in your household who is blind or disabled
Do I qualify?
Do I qualify?
It depends on your income level and family size. You can check the table on the Maryland Health Connection website to see if you’re eligible.
Is your income higher? You may get help with costs if you buy a qualified health plan through Maryland Health Connection.
And when you apply, you’ll learn if you or your children qualify for free or low-cost coverage. This can be through Medicaid, Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) or MCHP Premium.
What’s next?
If you qualify for Maryland HealthChoice, choose Aetna Better Health of Maryland as your health plan. Click on the button below, and we’ll help you get started.