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The Aetna Better Health® of Maryland Member Advisory Committee

The Aetna Better Health® of Maryland Member Advisory Committee
The Aetna Better Health of Maryland Member Advisory Committee is made up of plan members and Aetna Better Health representatives. Together, they come up with ways to improve:
- Member medical care and our outreach plans
- Materiales para miembros
- Communication and care for members who speak a main language other than English
- Telephone services for members
- Transportation services for members
Getting started
You can join the Member Advisory Committee by:
Solo tiene que llamar al Departamento de Servicios para Miembros al 1-866-827-2710 (TTY: 711).
You can fill out a Member Advisory Committee application (PDF) and fax it to us at
Escriba a
You can mail a Member Advisory Committee application (PDF) to us at:
Aetna Better Health of Maryland
509 Progress Drive, Suite 117
Linthicum, MD 21090-2256