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Get the things you need. Every month. In store or delivered to your door.
As a CVS Health company, we’re offering you this $15 OTC benefit as part of your Aetna Better Health® benefits. You can use the money to spend on a variety of health products, like:
Food and groceries
Milk, eggs, coffee or tea, bread, pasta, cooking oil, canned goods, cereal, trail mix and more
Atención personal
Oral care, period care, first aid, pain relief, digestive health, vitamins, skin care and more
Baby care
Diapers, wipes, sunscreen, shampoo, lotion, nursing pads, lanolin cream and more
Cold remedies
Allergy relief, cold or flu medicines, digital thermometer, vitamin C, facial tissues and more
Ways to shop
For complete instructions, see our OTC Item Catalog (PDF).
- Visit the OTC Health Solutions website and create an account or sign in with your member ID and password.
- Browse eligible health items and add them to your cart.
- Place your order and we’ll send your items to you at no extra cost.
In store
- Download the OTC Health Solutions app for iPhone® or Android™ and create an account or sign in.
- Visit a CVS Pharmacy® store, open the app and use your smartphone’s camera to scan shelves for eligible items.
- Have the cashier at checkout scan your digital bar code on the app.
By phone
- Review the OTC Item Catalog English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF) and make note of which eligible items you’d like to order.
- Call OTC Health Solutions at 1-888-628-2770 (TTY: 711) any time Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 8 PM.
- Place your order and we’ll send your items to you at no extra cost.
Quick tip
- You’ll need to order supplies for each benefit period by 11:59 PM of the last day of the month.
- If you don’t use all the money in your benefit, it doesn’t roll over to the next month. So be sure to use up the full amount each month.
Your OTC benefit can be utilized multiple times throughout the month.
No, unused benefit amounts do not roll over to the next month. They’ll expire the next month if you don’t use them. And your balance will set to the original $15 benefit amount.
Sí. However, if your order exceeds the $15 benefit amount, you’ll just need to pay what’s left over out of pocket.
Most orders will arrive in less than 7 business days. It may take longer during peak busy times. If you haven’t received your order within 14 days, call OTC Health Solutions at 1-888-628-2770 (TTY: 711).
Yes, you can cancel your order within 30 minutes of placing it. To cancel an order, just call OTC Health Solutions at 1-888-628-2770 (TTY: 711).
Once you’ve placed your order, you will receive a confirmation number. Always make sure to keep note of your confirmation number.
¿Tiene alguna pregunta?
For more info about this benefit: Just call Member Services at 1-866-827-2710 (TTY: 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For help with your order: Call OTC Health Solutions at 1-888-628-2770 (TTY: 711). You can call Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 8 PM.
Legal notices
Aetna and CVS Pharmacy® are part of the CVS Health® family of companies.
All trademarks and logos are the intellectual property of their respective owners.